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Pediatric Occupational Therapy services can help improve delays or difficulties with tasks such as handwriting, dressing, midline play, puzzles, block design imitation, scissor skills, fork/spoon use, etc.
Fine Motor & Self Care
Coordination and strength are the main ingredients in the successful acquisition of most childhood skills. From sitting up and reaching for toys to navigating a playground to ball skills and handwriting, an Occupational Therapy evaluation can help decipher what exactly is contributing to the problem. If services are needed, from the evaluation, an individualized plan will be developed and adapted as needed.
Coordination & Strength
Sensory Processing & Body Awareness
Motor praxis (the ability to take in information and tell your body how to carry out a new or unfamiliar action) is imperative in a child's ability to learn via imitation. If a child has poor body awareness or sensory modulation, it can be extremely difficult to learn new skills or to complete simple tasks like sitting at a desk while simultaneously taking in information that a teacher is giving and then following her instructions.